Changes between Version 3 and Version 4 of install_hosting

2013-07-09T18:32:23Z (12 years ago)

updated ipeer installer images


  • install_hosting

    v3 v4  
    1041042.      For our web host, we typed in (This information is confidential).
    1051053.      You should see a screen that looks like:
    106 [[Image(ipeer1.png)]]
     106[[Image(ipeer1.png, 700px)]]
    1071074.      You need to click Next if all the settings in the right hand column are green. That means that the system requirements are satisfied for iPeer’s installation.
    1081085.      The next step is to accept the GNU/GPL License Agreement. You have to tick the checkbox that says “I accept the GPL License” and click Next. See the screenshot below:
    109 [[Image(ipeer2.png)]]
     109[[Image(ipeer2.png, 700px)]]
    1101106.      You now need to manually configure the database properties based on the database and user(s) you created in Step 6. See the screenshot below. You should select “Installation with sample data” as this option uses the pre-loaded data for testing the application. Once you’ve listed the configuration parameters then click Next.
    111 [[Image(ipeer3.png)]]
     111[[Image(ipeer3.png, 700px)]]
    1121127.      You now need to set the iPeer System Configuration Parameters. See the screenshot below for more details. Once you’ve entered the parameters, click “Install iPeer”. For our installation, we set the following (confidential) parameters:  Domain:, Super Administrator Username: root and Super Administrator Password: ipeer. The rest of the parameters were the default ones, as given by the system.
    113 [[Image(ipeer4.png)]]
     113[[Image(ipeer4.png, 700px)]]
    1141148.      Now you have successfully installed iPeer on your web host and you should see a screen that looks like this:
    115 [[Image(ipeer5.png)]]
     115[[Image(ipeer5.png, 700px)]]
    1161169.      Now, when you go to use iPeer, you need to use the Super Administrator Username and Password that you just specified in the last few steps.
    11711710.     If you find that you have incorrectly installed an iPeer instance, you need to go to the File Manager, navigate to the app folder, within it you have to navigate to the config folder and find the database.php file and delete it. This is shown in the following screenshots. Once you have deleted this file, then you need to redo the installation from the start of Step 7.