= Installation =
=== File Installation ===
Unpack the installation archive of iPeer using WinZIP, or WinRAR, etc. to your web directory.
=== iPeer Installer Wizard ===
Open your favor web browser and type the following URL to start the iPeer installation wizard.
URL: //install
iPeer should now display a graphical installer for iPeer installation.
__''' Steps for iPeer Installer Wizard '''__
'' Step 1: System Requirement Check ''
The step of System Requirement Check checks the system setting in 3 sections:
* System Requirements: Items in this section are the mandatory system settings for iPeer. All items in this section must be green. See FAQ section for suggestions if there is item appears in red.
* Optional Requirements: Items in this section are the optional system requirement for iPeer.
* Recommended Settings: Items in this section shows recommended settings for iPeer. See FAQ section for suggestions if there is item appears in red.
'' Step 2: License Agreement ''
Select the check box "I Accept the GPL License to agree your acceptance of the iPeer License Agreement". Click the next button to continue to the next step.
'' Step 3: Configuration of iPeer ''
The step of Configuration of iPeer enables you to setup the iPeer under your local database configuration and some advance configuration.
* Basic MySQL Setting: Host, the hostname of your machine
* DB Username, the username of your DB server
* DB Password, the password of the username
* DB Database name, the database name that you would use for iPeer installation
* iPeer Advanced Setting: Session name, the session name for iPeer. It should be unique to your web server.
* Login text, this is the login URL that will appear on the iPeer logon screen. You can change it to your school's URL.
* Debug mode, 0 off; 1 on
* Debug verbosity, 1 - low (low db error reporting), 2 - medium, 3 - high, 4 - highest
* Email Scheduling, true/false
* Absolute URL, this is absolute URL of your iPeer system. It should look like: !http:///
* Domain, the domain name of your server
* PHP executable path, the path name of your PHP executable path
* Super administrator username, the username of super administrator
__Manual Configuration__: You can try the manual configuration if this installer did not work on you. The link of Manual Configuration shows the detail steps of how to setup the iPeer manually.
Click the button "Install iPeer" to install the iPeer based on the information you entered.
Congratulation message should be displayed if you install the iPeer successfully. You can then test the iPeer based on the link provided in this page. For first time login as root, the password is "ipeer".
Remember to remove the /install directory for security reason if this is your production machine.
=== File Installation ===
* Untar the distribution (be sure to unzip the subdirectories):
tar -xzvf ipeer_x.tar.gz in your webserver's document root. If you don't have direct access to your document root, put the files in a directory on your local machine, and, after step 3, transfer the directory on your web server using, for example, ftp.
* Ensure that all the scripts have the appropriate owner (if PHP is running in safe mode, having some scripts with an owner different from the owner of other scripts will be a problem). See FAQ section for suggestions.
=== iPeer Installer Wizard ===
Open your favor web browser and type the following URL to start the iPeer installation wizard.
URL: //install
iPeer should now display a graphical installer for iPeer installation.
__''' Steps for iPeer Installer Wizard '''__
'' Step 1: System Requirement Check ''
The step of System Requirement Check checks the system setting in 3 sections:
* System Requirements: Items in this section are the mandatory system settings for iPeer. All items in this section must be green. See FAQ section for suggestions if there is item appears in red.
* Optional Requirements: Items in this section are the optional system requirement for iPeer.
* Recommended Settings: Items in this section shows recommended settings for iPeer. See FAQ section for suggestions if there is item appears in red.
'' Step 2: License Agreement ''
Select the check box "I Accept the GPL License to agree your acceptance of the iPeer License Agreement." Click the next button to continue to the next step.
'' Step 3: Configuration of iPeer ''
The step of Configuration of iPeer enables you to setup the iPeer under your local database configuration and some advance configuration.
* Basic MySQL Setting: Host, the hostname of your machine
* DB Username, the username of your DB server
* DB Password, the password of the username
* DB Database name, the database name that you would use for iPeer installation
* iPeer Advanced Setting: Session name, the session name for iPeer. It should be unique to your web server.
* Login text, this is the login URL that will appear on the iPeer logon screen. You can change it to your school's URL.
* Debug mode, 0 off; 1 on
* Debug verbosity, 1 - low (low db error reporting), 2 - medium, 3 - high, 4 - highest
* Email Scheduling, true/false
* Absolute URL, this is absolute URL of your iPeer system. It should look like: !http:///
* Domain, the domain name of your server
* PHP executable path, the path name of your PHP executable path
* Super administrator username, the username of super administrator
* Manual Configuration: You can try the manual configuration if this installer did not work on you. The link of Manual Configuration shows the detail steps of how to setup the iPeer manually.
* Click the button "Install iPeer" to install the iPeer based on the information you entered.
Congratulation message should be displayed if you install the iPeer successfully. You can then test the iPeer based on the link provided in this page. For first time login as root, the password is "ipeer".
Remember to remove the /install directory for security reason if this is your production machine.
Configurations for !TeamMaker executable file
iPeer 1.6 uses !TeamMaker as group making automatically. To create a !TeamMaker executable file in Unix/Linux, please use the following steps:
* under //TeamMakerCPP, type make to make a executable file for !TeamMaker
* copy the !TeamMaker file to /: cp !TeamMaker ../.
* change the permission to !TeamMaker: chmod 775 !TeamMaker
* change the permission to /: chmod 775 :
The reason for permission changing on !TeamMaker and /, is to grant the right permission for your Apache user to execute and create temporary files for group making.
You are done now. Enjoy the iPeer peer evaluation.