[[PageOutline]] == courses == Contains all the courses in the iPeer instance. ||__Column__||__Type__||__Description__||__Foreign Key to table...__|| ||'''id'''||integer||Primary_Key ||'''course'''||string||the course number, ex: APSC 123 ||'''title'''||string||a very short course description, ex: Academic Writing ||'''homepage'''||string||a link to the course. Must start with !http:// or !https:// ||'''self_enroll'''||emun(on, off)||not fully implemented. The UI exists to modify this value, but no effect linked to it can be found in code ||'''password'''||string||an MD5 hash of the user password. ||'''record_status'''||enum(A,I)||either 'A' or 'I', representing active or inactive. Not always checked by code. ||'''creator_id'''||integer||the ID of the ''user'' who created this course.||''users'' ||'''created'''||date||a date entry for this entry's creation. ||'''updater_id'''||integer||the last ''user's'' ID who changed this record.||''users'' ||'''modified'''||date||the last time of modification. ||'''instructor_id'''||integer||unused, as far as I can tell. The course-instructor is a many-to-many relationship is handled by the ''user_courses'' table. == evaluation_mixevals == A student's evaluations are put here, for the mixed evaluation type. Each evaluator-evaluate pair is recorded here. ||__Column__||__Type__||__Description__||__Foreign Key to table...__|| ||'''id'''||integer||Primary_Key ||'''evaluator'''||integer||The user submitting the evaluation. They are evaluating other users.||''users'' ||'''evaluatee'''||integer||The user being evaluated.||''users'' ||'''score'''||floating||The total given by the evaluator to the evaluatee. (?) ||'''comment_release'''||integer||Are this entry's comments release to be viewed by other users? ||'''grade_release'''||integer||Are this entry's grades release to be viewed by other users? ||'''grp_event_id'''||integer||Points to the ''group_events'' entry this entry is a part of.||''group_events'' ||'''event_id'''||integer||Points to the ''event'' that the above ''group_event'' entry is part of.||''events'' ||'''record_status'''||enum(A,I)||either 'A' or 'I', representing active or inactive. Not always checked by code. ||'''creator_id'''||integer||the ID of the ''user'' who created this course.||''users'' ||'''created'''||date||a date entry for this entry's creation. ||'''updater_id'''||integer||the last ''user's'' ID who changed this record.||''users'' ||'''modified'''||date||the last time of modification. == evaluation_mixeval_details== It seems that for each answer to a mixed evaluation question, and entry in this table is generated. ||__Column__||__Type__||__Description__||__Foreign Key to table...__|| ||'''id'''||integer||Primary_Key ||'''evaluation_mixeval_id'''||integer||The ID of the evaluation_mixeval this question answer belongs too. ||''evaluation_mixeval'' table. ||'''question_number'''||integer||The question being answered ||'''question_comment'''||text|| A textual answer to the question, if present. NULL otherwise. ||'''selected_lom'''||integer||Doesn't seem to be used. All entries set at 0. (?) ||'''grade'''||floating||A grade that the user gave when answering the question. Set to 0.0 if a textual question. ||'''record_status'''||enum(A,I)||either 'A' or 'I', representing active or inactive. Not always checked by code. ||'''creator_id'''||integer||the ID of the ''user'' who created this course. Not used in this table (All 0's) (?)||''users'' ||'''created'''||date||a date entry for this entry's creation. ||'''updater_id'''||integer||the last ''user's'' ID who changed this record. Not used in this table (All NULLS's)||''users'' ||'''modified'''||date||the last time of modification. == evaluation_rubrics == Holds all the submissions of evaluatee-evaluator pairs. ||__Column__||__Type__||__Description__||__Foreign Key to table...__|| ||'''id'''||integer||Primary_Key ||'''evaluator'''||integer||The user submitting the evaluation. They are evaluating other users.||''users'' ||'''evaluatee'''||integer||The user being evaluated.||''users'' ||'''general_comment'''||text||A general comment about the evaluatee from the evaluator ||'''score'''||floating||The total score that the evaluatee received from the evaluator. ||'''comment_release'''||integer||Are this entry's comments release to be viewed by other users? ||'''grade_release'''||integer||Are this entry's grades release to be viewed by other users? ||'''grp_event_id'''||integer||Points to the ''group_events'' entry this entry is a part of.||''group_events'' ||'''event_id'''||integer||Points to the ''event'' that the above ''group_event'' entry is part of.||''events'' ||'''record_status'''||enum(A,I)||either 'A' or 'I', representing active or inactive. Not always checked by code. ||'''creator_id'''||integer||the ID of the ''user'' who created this course. Not used in this table (All 0's) (?)||''users'' ||'''created'''||date||a date entry for this entry's creation. ||'''updater_id'''||integer||the last ''user's'' ID who changed this record. Not used in this table (All NULLS's)||''users'' ||'''modified'''||date||the last time of modification. == evaluation_rubrics_details == It seems that for each answer to a mixed evaluation question, and entry in this table is generated. ||__Column__||__Type__||__Description__||__Foreign Key to table...__|| ||'''id'''||integer||Primary_Key ||'''evaluation_rubric_id'''||integer||The ID of the evaluation_rubric this question answer belongs too. ||'''criteria_number'''||integer||The criteria number this entry belongs to. Not a foreign key ( :-/ Ugh... ) ||'''criteria_comment'''||text||A textual comment about the evaluatee according to the above creteria. ||'''selected_lom'''||integer||The level-of-mastery the evaluator selected for the evaluatee. ||'''grade'''||floating||The grade the above LOM gives the evaluatee. ||'''record_status'''||enum(A,I)||either 'A' or 'I', representing active or inactive. Not always checked by code. ||'''creator_id'''||integer||the ID of the ''user'' who created this course. Not used in this table (All 0's) (?)||''users'' ||'''created'''||date||a date entry for this entry's creation. ||'''updater_id'''||integer||the last ''user's'' ID who changed this record. Not used in this table (All NULLS's)||''users'' ||'''modified'''||date||the last time of modification. == evaluation_simples == Every time an evaluator saves their progress in simple evaluation for an evaluatee, an entry is saved into this table. ||__Column__||__Type__||__Description__||__Foreign Key to table...__|| ||'''id'''||integer||Primary_Key ||'''evaluator'''||integer||The user submitting the evaluation. They are evaluating other users.||''users'' ||'''evaluatee'''||integer||The user being evaluated.||''users'' ||'''score'''||integer||The score this evaluator gave the evaluatee. ||'''eval_comment'''||text||A comment about the evaluatee by the evaluator. ||'''release_status'''||integer||Unsure (?) (vs grade_release) ||'''grp_event_id'''||integer||Points to the ''group_events'' entry this entry is a part of.||''group_events'' ||'''event_id'''||integer||Points to the ''event'' that the above ''group_event'' entry is part of.||''events'' ||'''date_submitted'''||date||The date the evaluation was submitted. (Does this just copy the info in ''evaluation_submissions'' ?) ||'''grade_release'''||integer||Unsure (?) (vs grade_release) ||'''record_status'''||enum(A,I)||either 'A' or 'I', representing active or inactive. Not always checked by code. ||'''creator_id'''||integer||the ID of the ''user'' who created this course. Not used in this table (All 0's) (?)||''users'' ||'''created'''||date||a date entry for this entry's creation. ||'''updater_id'''||integer||the last ''user's'' ID who changed this record. Not used in this table (All NULLS's)||''users'' ||'''modified'''||date||the last time of modification. == evaluation_submissions == ||__Column__||__Type__||__Description__||__Foreign Key to table...__|| ||'''id'''||integer||Primary_Key ||'''event_id'''||integer||Points to the ''event'' that the above ''group_event'' entry is part of.||''events'' ||'''grp_event_id'''||integer||Points to the ''group_events'' entry this entry is a part of.||''group_events'' ||'''submitter_id'''||integer||The evaluator's user ID||''users'' ||'''submitted'''||integer||Apparently determined whether the evaluation was submitted or not. I don't see any 0's in the prod2009 database though. Might have something to do with re-releases. Not sure (?). ||'''date_submitted'''||date||The date the evaluator submitted this evaluation. ||'''record_status'''||enum(A,I)||either 'A' or 'I', representing active or inactive. Not always checked by code. ||'''creator_id'''||integer||the ID of the ''user'' who created this course. Not used in this table (All 0's) (?)||''users'' ||'''created'''||date||a date entry for this entry's creation. ||'''updater_id'''||integer||the last ''user's'' ID who changed this record. Not used in this table (All NULLS's)||''users'' ||'''modified'''||date||the last time of modification. == event_template_types == I think this holds the the entries for the rubric types in iPeer. However, the code often assumes it knows the meanings of evaluation type id's (1,2,3,4), and hard-codes those into the code, sometimes ignoring this table. ||__Column__||__Type__||__Description__||__Foreign Key to table...__|| ||'''id'''||integer||Primary_Key ||'''table_name'''||string||The name of the table that holds these types of evaluations. ||'''model_name'''||string||The name of the model that connects the above table to cake. ||'''display_for_selection'''||integer||A boolean integer. Tells if this type of evaluations should be available for selection when an ||'''record_status'''||enum(A,I)||either 'A' or 'I', representing active or inactive. Not always checked by code. ||'''creator_id'''||integer||the ID of the ''user'' who created this course. ||'''created'''||date||a date entry for this entry's creation. ||'''updater_id'''||integer||the last ''user's'' ID who changed this record. ||'''modified'''||date||the last time of modification.instructor creates an event. == events == == group_events == == groups == == groups_members == == mixevals == == mixevals_questions_descs == == mixevals_questions == == personalizes == == questions == == responces == == rubrics == == rubtics_criteria_comments == == rubrics_criterias == == rubrics_loms == == simple_evaluatons == == survey_group_members == == survey_group_sets == == survey_groups == == survey_inputs == == survey_questions == == surveys == == sys_function == == sys_parameters == == user_course == == user_enrols == == users == phew ...