Changes between Version 80 and Version 81 of iPeerDatabaseSchema

2010-10-27T17:34:52Z (14 years ago)
Serge Okon



  • iPeerDatabaseSchema

    v80 v81  
    1 [[PageOutline]]
     1[[PageOutline 2,5]]
     2== Present iPeer Database Schema ==
    44[[Image(db-schema1.png, 660px)]]
    5 == courses ==
     5=== courses ===
    66Contains all the courses in the iPeer instance.
    77||__Column__||__Type__||__Description__||__Foreign Key to table...__||
    1818||'''modified'''||date||the last time of modification.
    1919||'''instructor_id'''||integer||unused, as far as I can tell. The course-instructor is a many-to-many relationship is handled by the ''user_courses'' table.
    20 == evaluation_mixevals ==
     20=== evaluation_mixevals ===
    2121A student's evaluations are put here, for the mixed evaluation type. Each evaluator-evaluate pair is recorded here.
    2222||__Column__||__Type__||__Description__||__Foreign Key to table...__||
    3434||'''updater_id'''||integer||the last ''user's'' ID who changed this record.||''users''
    3535||'''modified'''||date||the last time of modification.
    36 == evaluation_mixeval_details==
     36=== evaluation_mixeval_details===
    3737It seems that for each answer to a mixed evaluation question, and entry in this table is generated.
    3838||__Column__||__Type__||__Description__||__Foreign Key to table...__||
    4848||'''updater_id'''||integer||the last ''user's'' ID who changed this record. ||''users''
    4949||'''modified'''||date||the last time of modification.
    50 == evaluation_rubrics ==
     50=== evaluation_rubrics ===
    5151Holds all the submissions of evaluatee-evaluator pairs.
    5252||__Column__||__Type__||__Description__||__Foreign Key to table...__||
    6565||'''updater_id'''||integer||the last ''user's'' ID who changed this record. ||''users''
    6666||'''modified'''||date||the last time of modification.
    67 == evaluation_rubrics_details ==
     67=== evaluation_rubrics_details ===
    6868It seems that for each answer to a mixed evaluation question, and entry in this table is generated.
    6969||__Column__||__Type__||__Description__||__Foreign Key to table...__||
    7979||'''updater_id'''||integer||the last ''user's'' ID who changed this record. Not used in this table (All NULLS's)||''users''
    8080||'''modified'''||date||the last time of modification.
    81 == evaluation_simples ==
     81=== evaluation_simples ===
    8282Every time an evaluator saves their progress in simple evaluation for an evaluatee, an entry is saved into this table.
    8383||__Column__||__Type__||__Description__||__Foreign Key to table...__||
    9797||'''updater_id'''||integer||the last ''user's'' ID who changed this record.||''users''
    9898||'''modified'''||date||the last time of modification.
    99 == evaluation_submissions ==
     99=== evaluation_submissions ===
    100100||__Column__||__Type__||__Description__||__Foreign Key to table...__||
    110110||'''updater_id'''||integer||the last ''user's'' ID who changed this record.||''users''
    111111||'''modified'''||date||the last time of modification.
    112 == event_template_types ==
     112=== event_template_types ===
    113113I think this holds the the entries for the rubric types in iPeer. However, the code often assumes it knows the meanings of evaluation type id's (1,2,3,4), and hard-codes those into the code, sometimes ignoring this table.
    114114||__Column__||__Type__||__Description__||__Foreign Key to table...__||
    122122||'''updater_id'''||integer||the last ''user's'' ID who changed this record.||''users''
    123123||'''modified'''||date||the last time of modification
    124 == events ==
     124=== events ===
    125125||__Column__||__Type__||__Description__||__Foreign Key to table...__||
    140140||'''updater_id'''||integer||the last ''user's'' ID who changed this record.||''users''
    141141||'''modified'''||date||the last time of modification
    142 == groups ==
     142=== groups ===
    143143Holds the members for each group in a class.
    144144||__Column__||__Type__||__Description__||__Foreign Key to table...__||
    151151||'''updater_id'''||integer||the last ''user's'' ID who changed this record.||''users''
    152152||'''modified'''||date||the last time of modification
    153 == groups_members ==
     153=== groups_members ===
    154154Connects groups to group members (many to many relationship):
    155155||__Column__||__Type__||__Description__||__Foreign Key to table...__||
    158158||''user_id''||integer||The user ID of a group member ||''users''
    159159That's it :-)
    160 == group_events ==
     160=== group_events ===
    161161Connects groups to events, holding other data about the group submission, etc. (many to many relationship).[[br]]
    162162I think that the extra columns are just to cache other data from the table, and display it to the user.
    174174||'''updater_id'''||integer||the last ''user's'' ID who changed this record.||''users''
    175175||'''modified'''||date||the last time of modification
    176 == mixevals ==
     176=== mixevals ===
    177177Contains a list of Mixed Evaluation (Templates - referenced by evaluation events)
    178178||__Column__||__Type__||__Description__||__Foreign Key to table...__||
    190190||'''updater_id'''||integer||the last ''user's'' ID who changed this record.||''users''
    191191||'''modified'''||date||the last time of modification
    192 == mixevals_questions_descs ==
     192=== mixevals_questions_descs ===
    193193Holds the LOM descriptions of Lickert (Rubric type) mixed evaluation question.
    194194||__Column__||__Type__||__Description__||__Foreign Key to table...__||
    198198||'''scale_level'''||integer||How many points this LOM is worth.
    199199||'''descriptor'''||string||The description of this LOM.
    200 == mixevals_questions ==
     200=== mixevals_questions ===
    201201Holds all the question titles and descriptions for this table
    202202||__Column__||__Type__||__Description__||__Foreign Key to table...__||
    211211||'''scale_level'''||integer||The total number of LOMs(?)
    212212||'''response_type'''||enum(S,L,NULL)|| ''S'' denotes a short, single-line answer. ''L'' denotes a longer, multi-line answer.
    213 == personalizes ==
     213=== personalizes ===
    214214This table was use to store preferences for iPeer Lists, and course Home display. Ajax List doesn't use this table (but this could be added in the future).
    215215||__Column__||__Type__||__Description__||__Foreign Key to table...__||
    220220||'''created'''||date||a date entry for this entry's creation.
    221221||'''updated'''||date||a date entry for this entry's modification.
    222 == questions ==
     222=== questions ===
    223223Holds Survey questions, as far as I can tell.
    224224||__Column__||__Type__||__Description__||__Foreign Key to table...__||
    227227||'''type'''||enum(M,C,S,L)|| The type of the question.
    228228||'''master'''||enum(yes,no)||Not sure.
    229 == responses ==
     229=== responses ===
    230230Holds the possible responses for a Survey question.
    231231||__Column__||__Type__||__Description__||__Foreign Key to table...__||
    233233||'''question_id'''||integer||The ID of the question||''questions''
    234234||'''response'''||text||A response to this question.
    235 == rubrics ==
     235=== rubrics ===
    236236Hold the templates for the rubrics.
    237237||__Column__||__Type__||__Description__||__Foreign Key to table...__||
    248248||'''updater_id'''||integer||the last ''user's'' ID who changed this record.||''users''
    249249||'''modified'''||date||the last time of modification
    250 == rubrics_criterias ==
     250=== rubrics_criterias ===
    251251||__Column__||__Type__||__Description__||__Foreign Key to table...__||
    258258||'''criteria'''||text||The actual criteria text & description.
    259259||'''multiplier'''||integer||The importance of this criteria; its impact on score.
    260 == rubrics_loms ==
     260=== rubrics_loms ===
    261261The very top descriptions of LOM, general, not per-question
    262262||__Column__||__Type__||__Description__||__Foreign Key to table...__||
    265265||'''lom_num'''||integer||The position number of this LOM||
    266266||'''lom_comment'''||text||The description of this LOM||
    267 == rubrics_criteria_comments ==
     267=== rubrics_criteria_comments ===
    268268A per-question description of a Criteria's the LOMs
    269269||__Column__||__Type__||__Description__||__Foreign Key to table...__||
    273273||'''lom_num'''||integer||...the position of the LOM that is described.
    274274||'''criteria_comment'''||The comment specific to this LOM.
    275 == simple_evaluatons ==
     275=== simple_evaluatons ===
    276276Contains the templates for Simple Evaluations
    277277||__Column__||__Type__||__Description__||__Foreign Key to table...__||
    287287||'''updater_id'''||integer||the last ''user's'' ID who changed this record.||''users''
    288288||'''modified'''||date||the last time of modification
    289 == surveys ==
     289=== surveys ===
    290290Holds the Surveys. There's some confusion here, since a survey has all the info of an ''event'' in it as well. I believe both entries are created for a single survey.
    291291||__Column__||__Type__||__Description__||__Foreign Key to table...__||
    302302||'''updater_id'''||integer||the last ''user's'' ID who changed this record.||''users''
    303303||'''modified'''||date||the last time of modification
    304 == survey_questions ==
     304=== survey_questions ===
    305305Connects the surveys table to the questions table (Many-to-many relationship). Also, gives the questions a number.
    306306||__Column__||__Type__||__Description__||__Foreign Key to table...__||
    309309||'''number'''||integer||The question number in the survey.
    310310||'''question_id'''||integer||The question ID to put into survey||''questions''
    311 == survey_inputs ==
     311=== survey_inputs ===
    312312||__Column__||__Type__||__Description__||__Foreign Key to table...__||
    318318||'''response_text'''||string||If this was a text question, the answer is recoded here
    319319||'''response_id'''||integer||Non-text responses are recorded here||''responses''
    320 == survey_group_sets ==
     320=== survey_group_sets ===
    321321Holds the Group Sets created from surveys.
    322322||__Column__||__Type__||__Description__||__Foreign Key to table...__||
    327327||'''date'''||integer||date of creation, but integer format (?)
    328328||'''released'''||enum(0,1)||Were these survey groups put into real groups in iPeer yet?
    329 == survey_groups ==
     329=== survey_groups ===
    330330||__Column__||__Type__||__Description__||__Foreign Key to table...__||
    332332||'''group_set_id'''||integer||The group set that this survey_group belongs to.||''survey_group_sets''
    333333||'''group_number'''||integer||The number of the group in the groups set. Just gives the groups an order, I guess.
    334 == survey_group_members ==
     334=== survey_group_members ===
    335335||__Column__||__Type__||__Description__||__Foreign Key to table...__||
    338338||'''group_id'''||integer||The __survey group__ this member belongs to||''survey_groups''
    339339||'''user_id'''||integer||The User ID of a user in this group||''users''
    340 == sys_function ==
     340=== sys_function ===
    341341Holds the access permissions, and the location of some iPeer functionality (used sparsely for that).
    342342||__Column__||__Type__||__Description__||__Foreign Key to table...__
    353353||'''updater_id'''||integer||the last ''user's'' ID who changed this record.||''users''
    354354||'''modified'''||date||the last time of modification
    355 == sys_parameters ==
     355=== sys_parameters ===
    356356Holds system configuration variables.
    357357||__Column__||__Type__||__Description__||__Foreign Key to table...__
    366366||'''updater_id'''||integer||the last ''user's'' ID who changed this record.||''users''
    367367||'''modified'''||date||the last time of modification
    368 == users ==
     368=== users ===
    369369A list of all of iPeer's users.
    370370||__Column__||__Type__||__Description__||__Foreign Key to table...__||
    386386||'''updater_id'''||integer||the last ''user's'' ID who changed this record.||''users''
    387387||'''modified'''||date||the last time of modification
    388 == user_enrols ==
     388=== user_enrols ===
    389389Connects courses and __students__ (many-to-many relationship)
    390390||__Column__||__Type__||__Description__||__Foreign Key to table...__||
    397397||'''updater_id'''||integer||the last ''user's'' ID who changed this record.||''users''
    398398||'''modified'''||date||the last time of modification
    399 == user_courses ==
     399=== user_courses ===
    400400Connects courses and __instructors & admins__ (many-to-many relationship)
    401401||__Column__||__Type__||__Description__||__Foreign Key to table...__||