| 370 | ||'''role'''||enum('A','S','I')||The role of this user. ''A'' stands for Admin, ''I'' for instructor, and ''S'' for student. |
| 371 | ||'''username'''||string||The login username for the user. Expected to be numeric for Students, but can be anything for other user roles. |
| 372 | ||'''password'''||string||An md5 hash of a users password |
| 373 | ||'''first_name'''||string||The user's first name. |
| 374 | ||'''last_name'''||string||The user's last name. |
| 375 | ||'''student_no'''||string||If the user is a student, this is their student number. it should be identical to username. |
| 376 | ||'''title'''||string||The title of the user, like mr, or ms. |
| 377 | ||'''email'''||string||The email of the user |
| 378 | ||'''last_login'''||date||unused, all NULL |
| 379 | ||'''last_logout'''||date||unused, all NULL |
| 380 | ||'''last_accessed'''||date||unused, all NULL. |