| 124 | ||__Column__||__Type__||__Description__||__Foreign Key to table...__|| |
| 125 | ||'''id'''||integer||Primary_Key |
| 126 | ||'''title'''||string||The title of this event; |
| 127 | ||'''course_id'''||integer||The id of the course that this event will appear in||''courses'' |
| 128 | ||'''description'''||text||A textual description of this event. |
| 129 | ||'''event_template_type_id'''||The type of the evaluation.||''event_template_types''' |
| 130 | ||'''template_id'''||integer||The ID of in the entry of this evaluation inside the paticuar evaluation type's talbe||''simple_evaluations'' or ''rubrics'' or ''surveys'' or ''mixevals'' |
| 131 | |
| 132 | ||'''record_status'''||enum(A,I)||either 'A' or 'I', representing active or inactive. Not always checked by code. |
| 133 | ||'''creator_id'''||integer||the ID of the ''user'' who created this course. |
| 134 | ||'''created'''||date||a date entry for this entry's creation. |
| 135 | ||'''updater_id'''||integer||the last ''user's'' ID who changed this record. |
| 136 | ||'''modified'''||date||the last time of modification |