Changes between Version 31 and Version 32 of api_v1

2012-11-06T00:28:17Z (12 years ago)
Pan Luo



  • api_v1

    v31 v32  
    1 == Overview ==
     1[[PageOutline(1-100,Table of Contents)]]
     3= Overview =
    35This is the first version of API. The main purpose of this version of API is to provide a way for external applications, e.g., learning management system, to interact with iPeer with tighter integration and better user experience. Data returned will be in JSON format with XML support coming later.
    5 == Authentication ==
     7= Authentication =
    68OAuth 1.0a
    8 == Resources ==
    10 === Users ===
    12 ||GET||/v1/users||get a list of users||
    13 || ||parameter||none||
    14 || ||input||none||
    15 || ||status (success)||HTTP/1.1 200 OK||
    16 || ||output (success)||[{"id":"USER0_ID","role_id":"ROLE_ID","username":"USERNAME0","last_name":"LAST_NAME","first_name":"FIRST_NAME"},{"id":"USER1_ID","role_id":"ROLE_ID","username":"USERNAME1","last_name":"LAST_NAME","first_name":"FIRST_NAME"}]||
    17 || ||status (failure)||HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found||
    18 || ||output (failure)||none||
    19 ||GET||/v1/users/{id}||get a user with id||
    20 || ||parameter||USER_ID||
    21 || ||input||none||
    22 || ||status (success)||HTTP/1.1 200 OK||
    23 || ||output (success)||{"id":"USER0_ID","role_id":"ROLE_ID","username":"USERNAME0","last_name":"LAST_NAME","first_name":"FIRST_NAME"}||
    24 || ||status (failure)||HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found||
    25 || ||output (failure)||none||
    26 ||POST||/v1/users||create a user||
    27 || ||parameter||none||
    28 || ||input||{"role_id":"ROLE_ID","username":"USERNAME","last_name":"LAST_NAME","first_name":"FIRST_NAME"}||
    29 || ||status (success)||HTTP/1.1 201 CREATED||
    30 || ||output (success)||{"id":"USER_ID","role_id":"ROLE_ID","username":"USERNAME","last_name":"LAST_NAME","first_name":"FIRST_NAME"}||
    31 || ||status (failure)||HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error||
    32 || ||output (failure)||none||
    33 ||POST||/v1/users||create users||
    34 || ||parameter||none||
    35 || ||input||{"role_id":"ROLE_ID","username":"USERNAME0","last_name":"LAST_NAME","first_name":"FIRST_NAME"},{"role_id":"ROLE_ID","username":"USERNAME1","last_name":"LAST_NAME","first_name":"FIRST_NAME"}||
    36 || ||status (success)||HTTP/1.1 201 CREATED||
    37 || ||output (success)||{"id":"USER0_ID","role_id":"ROLE_ID","username":"USERNAME0","last_name":"LAST_NAME","first_name":"FIRST_NAME"},{"id":"USER1_ID","role_id":"ROLE_ID","username":"USERNAME1","last_name":"LAST_NAME","first_name":"FIRST_NAME"}||
    38 || ||status (failure)||HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error||
    39 || ||output (failure)||none||
    40 ||DELETE||/v1/users/{id}||remove a user with id||
    41 || ||parameter||USER_ID||
    42 || ||input||none||
    43 || ||status (success)||HTTP/1.1 204 No Content||
    44 || ||output (success)||none||
    45 || ||status (failure)||HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error||
    46 || ||output (failure)||none||
    47 ||PUT||/v1/users/{id}||update a user with id||
    48 || ||parameter||COURSE_ID||
    49 || ||input||{"id":"USER_ID","username":"USERNAME","last_name":"LAST_NAME","first_name":"FIRST_NAME","role_id":"ROLE_ID"}||
    50 || ||status (success)||HTTP/1.1 200 OK||
    51 || ||output (success)||{"id":"USER_ID","username":"USERNAME","last_name":"LAST_NAME","first_name":"FIRST_NAME","role_id":"ROLE_ID"}||
    52 || ||status (failure)||HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error||
    53 || ||output (failure)||none||
    55 === Courses ===
    57 ||GET||/v1/courses||get a list of courses for current logged in user||
    58 || ||parameter||none||
    59 || ||input||none||
    60 || ||status (success)||HTTP/1.1 200 OK||
    61 || ||output (success)||[{"id":"COURSE0_ID","course":"COURSE0_CODE","title":"COURSE0_TITLE"},{"id":"COURSE1_ID","course":"COURSE1_CODE","title":"COURSE1_TITLE"}]||
    62 || ||status (failure)||HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found||
    63 || ||output (failure)||No courses can be found||
    64 ||GET||/v1/courses/{id}||get a course with id||
    65 || ||parameter||COURSE_ID||
    66 || ||input||none||
    67 || ||status (success)||HTTP/1.1 200 OK||
    68 || ||output (success)||{"id":"COURSE_ID","course":"COURSE_CODE","title":"COURSE_TITLE"}||
    69 || ||status (failure)||HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found||
    70 || ||status (failure)||No course with id COURSE_ID can be found||
    71 ||POST||/v1/courses||create a course||
    72 || ||parameter||none||
    73 || ||input||{"Course":{"course":"COURSE_CODE","title":"COURSE_TITLE"},"Department":{"Department":[DEPARTMENT_ID]}}||
    74 || ||status (success)||HTTP/1.1 201 Created||
    75 || ||output (success)||COURSE_ID||
    76 || ||status (failure)||HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error||
    77 || ||output (failure)||Error: the course was not added||
    78 ||DELETE||/v1/courses/{id}||remove a course with id||
    79 || ||parameter||COURSE_ID||
    80 || ||input||none||
    81 || ||status (success)||HTTP/1.1 204 No Content||
    82 || ||output (success)||COURSE_ID||
    83 || ||status (failure)||HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error||
    84 || ||output (failure)||Error: the course was not deleted||
    85 ||PUT||/v1/courses/{id}||update a course with id||
    86 || ||parameter||none||
    87 || ||input||{"Course":{"id":"COURSE_ID","course":"COURSE_CODE","title":"COURSE_TITLE"}}||
    88 || ||status (success)||HTTP/1.1 200 OK||
    89 || ||output (success)||COURSE_ID||
    90 || ||status (failure)||HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error||
    91 || ||output (failure)||Error: the course was not edited||
    93 === !Courses/Users ===
    95 ||GET||/v1/courses/{course_id}/users||get a list of users associated within the course {course_id}||
    96 || ||parameter||COURSE_ID||
    97 || ||input|| none
    98 || ||status (success)||HTTP/1.1 201 Created||
    99 || ||output (success)||[{"id": "1", "username":"username1", "role_id":1}, {"id": "2", "username":"username2", "role_id":1},{"id": "3", "username":"username3", "role_id":2}]||
    100 || ||status (failure)||HTTP/1.1 400 Unrecognizable Request||
    101 || ||output (failure)|| none ||
    102 ||POST||/v1/courses{course_id}/users||associate users to the course by {course_id}||
    103 || ||parameter||COURSE_ID||
    104 || ||input||[{"username":"username1", "role_id":5}, {"username":"username2", "role_id":5},{"username":"username3", "role_id":4}], other fields in request will be ignored||
    105 || ||status (success)||HTTP/1.1 200 OK||
    106 || ||output (success)||[{"username":"username1", "role_id":5}, {"username":"username2", "role_id":5},{"username":"username3", "role_id":4}]||
    107 || ||status (failure)||HTTP/1.1 501 Unsupported role for {username}||
    108 || ||note (failure)|| The role_id was unrecognized, recognized role_ids right now are student (5), tutor (4), and instructor (3) ||
    109 || ||status (failure)||HTTP/1.1 501 Fail to enrol {username}||
    110 || ||note (failure)|| Tried to save the new enrolments but failed due to a database error. ||
    111 ||DELETE||/v1/courses/{course_id}/users||remove a user from the course||
    112 || ||parameter||COURSE_ID||
    113 || ||input||[{"username":"username1", "role_id":5}, {"username":"username2", "role_id":5},{"username":"username3", "role_id":4}], other fields in request will be ignored||
    114 || ||status (success)||HTTP/1.1 200 OK||
    115 || ||output (success)||[{"username":"username1", "role_id":5}, {"username":"username2", "role_id":5},{"username":"username3", "role_id":4}]||
    116 || ||status (failure)||HTTP/1.1 501 Unsupported role for {username}||
    117 || ||note (failure)|| The role_id was unrecognized, recognized role_ids right now are student (5), tutor (4), and instructor (3) ||
    118 || ||status (failure)||HTTP/1.1 501 Fail to drop {username}||
    119 || ||note (failure)|| Tried to save the new enrolments but failed due to a database error. ||
    121 === !Courses/Departments ===
    123 ||POST||/v1/courses/{course_id}/departments/{department_id}||add a course to a department||
    124 || ||parameter||DEPARTMENT_ID||
    125 || ||parameter||COURSE_ID||
    126 || ||status (success)||HTTP/1.1 201 Created||
    127 || ||output (success)||{"course_id":"COURSE_ID", "department_id":"DEPARTMENT_ID"}||
    128 || ||status (failure)||HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error||
    129 || ||output (failure)||none||
    130 ||DELETE||/v1/courses/{course_id}departments/{department_id}/||delete a course from a department||
    131 || ||parameter||DEPARTMENT_ID||
    132 || ||parameter||COURSE_ID||
    133 || ||status (success)||HTTP/1.1 204 No Content||
    134 || ||output (success)||none||
    135 || ||status (failure)||HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error||
    136 || ||output (failure)||none||
    138 === Departments ===
    140 ||GET||v1/departments||get a list of departments the user has access to||
    141 || ||parameter||none||
    142 || ||status (success)||HTTP/1.1 200 OK||
    143 || ||output (success)||[{"id":"DEPT_ID0","name":"DEPT_NAME0"},{"id":"DEPT_ID1","name":"DEPT_NAME1"}]||
    144 || ||status (failure)||HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found||
    145 || ||output (failure)||none||
    146 ||GET||v1/departments/{department_id}||gets a list of courses that belongs to the department with DEPARTMENT_ID||
    147 || ||parameter||DEPARTMENT_ID||
    148 || ||status (success)||HTTP/1.1 200 OK||
    149 || ||output (success)||[{"id":"COURSE0_ID","course":"COURSE0_CODE","title":"COURSE0_TITLE"},{"id":"COURSE1_ID","course":"COURSE1_CODE","title":"COURSE1_TITLE"}]||
    150 || ||status (failure)||HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found||
    151 || ||output (failure)||none||
    153 === Groups ===
    155 ||GET||/v1/courses/{course_id}/groups||get a list of groups in course {course_id}||
    156 || ||parameter||COURSE_ID||
    157 || ||input||none||
    158 || ||status (success)||HTTP/1.1 200 OK||
    159 || ||output (success)||[{"id":"GROUP_IDO","group_num":"GROUP_NUM0","group_name":"GROUP_NAME0","course_id":"COURSE_ID"},{"id":"GROUP_ID1","group_num":"GROUP_NUM1","group_name":"GROUP_NAME1","course_id":"COURSE_ID"}], or [] if there is no group||
    160 || ||status (failure)||HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Error||
    161 || ||output (failure)||none||
    162 ||GET||/v1/courses/{course_id}/groups/id||get a group in course by group id, course_id will be ignored||
    163 || ||parameter||COURSE_ID||
    164 || ||parameter||GROUP_ID||
    165 || ||status (success)||HTTP/1.1 200 OK||
    166 || ||output (success)||{"id":"GROUP_ID","group_num":"GROUP_NUM","group_name":"GROUP_NAME","course_id":"COURSE_ID"}||
    167 || ||status (failure)||HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found||
    168 || ||output (failure)||none||
    169 ||POST||/v1/courses/{course_id}/groups||create a group in course {course_id}||
    170 || ||parameter||COURSE_ID||
    171 || ||input||{"group_num":"GROUP_NUM","group_name":"GROUP_NAME","course_id":"COURSE_ID"}||
    172 || ||status (success)||HTTP/1.1 201 Created||
    173 || ||output (success)||{"id":"GROUP_ID","group_num":"GROUP_NUM","group_name":"GROUP_NAME","course_id":"COURSE_ID"}||
    174 || ||status (failure)||HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error||
    175 || ||output (failure)||none||
    176 ||DELETE||/v1/courses/{course_id}/groups/{id}||remove a group  in course by group id, course_id will be ignored||
    177 || ||parameter||COURSE_ID||
    178 || ||parameter||GROUP_ID||
    179 || ||status (success)||HTTP/1.1 204 No Content||
    180 || ||output (success)||none||
    181 || ||status (failure)||HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error||
    182 || ||output (failure)||none||
    183 ||PUT||/v1/courses/{course_id}/groups/{id}||update a group in course by group id, course_id will be ignored||
    184 || ||parameter||COURSE_ID||
    185 || ||parameter||GROUP_ID||
    186 || ||input||{"id":"GROUP_ID","course_id":"COURSE_ID","group_num":"GROUP_NUM","group_name":"GROUP_NAME"}||
    187 || ||status (success)||HTTP/1.1 200 OK||
    188 || ||output (success)||{"id":"GROUP_ID","group_num":"GROUP_NUM","group_name":"GROUP_NAME","course_id":"COURSE_ID"}||
    189 || ||status (failure)||HTTP/1.1 200 OK||
    190 || ||output (failure)||none||
    192 === !Groups/Users ===
    194 ||GET||/v1/groups/{group_id}/users||get a list of users associated within the group {group_id}||
    195 ||POST||/v1/groups{group_id}/users||associate users to the group by {group_id}||
    196 ||DELETE||/v1/groups/{group_id}/users/{user_id}||remove a user from the group||
    197 || ||parameter||GROUP_ID||
    198 || ||parameter||USER_ID||
    199 || ||status (success)||HTTP/1.1 204 No Content||
    200 || ||output (success)||none||
    201 || ||status (failure)||HTTP/1.1 500 users were not deleted||
    202 || ||output (failure)|| none ||
    204 === Grades ===
    206 ||GET||/v1/events/{event_id}/grades||get a list of grades in event {event_id}||
    207 || ||parameter||EVENT_ID||
    208 || ||status (success)||HTTP/1.1 200 OK||
    209 || ||output (success)||[{"evaluatee":"EVALUATEE_ID","score":"SCORE"},{"evaluatee":"EVALUATEE_ID","score":"SCORE"}]||
    210 || ||status (failure)||HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found||
    211 || ||output (failure)||none||
    212 ||GET||/v1/events/{event_id}/grades/{user_id}||get a grades for a user with {user_id} in the event {event_id}||
    213 || ||parameter||EVENT_ID||
    214 || ||parameter||USER_ID||
    215 || ||status (success)||HTTP/1.1 200 OK||
    216 || ||output (success)||{"evaluatee":"USER_ID","score":"SCORE"}
    217 || ||status (failure)||HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found||
    218 || ||output (failure)||none||
     10= Responses & Status Code =
     11The API attempts to return appropriate HTTP status codes for every request.
     13Status Code:
     14|| Code || Text || Description ||
     15|| 200 || OK || Success ||
     16|| 201 || Created || Resource has been created ||
     17|| 404 || Not Found || Resource is not found ||
     18|| 500 || Internal Server Error || Something is broken ||
     20If querying a collection and there is nothing in the collection, an empty array will be return.
     21  In JSON, it will be "[]".
     24= Resources =
     26== Users ==
     28=== Get List of Users ===
     29GET /v1/users
     30||Return (success)||[{"id":"USER0_ID","role_id":"ROLE_ID","username":"USERNAME0","last_name":"LAST_NAME","first_name":"FIRST_NAME"},{"id":"USER1_ID","role_id":"ROLE_ID","username":"USERNAME1","last_name":"LAST_NAME","first_name":"FIRST_NAME"}]||
     32=== Get a User with ID ===
     33GET /v1/users/{id}
     36||output (success)||{"id":"USER0_ID","role_id":"ROLE_ID","username":"USERNAME0","last_name":"LAST_NAME","first_name":"FIRST_NAME"}||
     38=== Create a User ===
     39POST /v1/users
     42||status (success)||HTTP/1.1 201 CREATED||
     43||output (success)||{"id":"USER_ID","role_id":"ROLE_ID","username":"USERNAME","last_name":"LAST_NAME","first_name":"FIRST_NAME"}||
     44||status (failure)||HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error||
     45||output (failure)||none||
     47=== Create Users ===
     48POST /v1/users
     51||status (success)||HTTP/1.1 201 CREATED||
     52||output (success)||{"id":"USER0_ID","role_id":"ROLE_ID","username":"USERNAME0","last_name":"LAST_NAME","first_name":"FIRST_NAME"},{"id":"USER1_ID","role_id":"ROLE_ID","username":"USERNAME1","last_name":"LAST_NAME","first_name":"FIRST_NAME"}||
     53||status (failure)||HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error||
     54||output (failure)||none||
     56=== Remove a user with id ===
     57DELETE /v1/users/{id}
     60||status (success)||HTTP/1.1 204 No Content||
     61||output (success)||none||
     62||status (failure)||HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error||
     63||output (failure)||none||
     65=== Update a user with id ===
     66PUT /v1/users/{id}
     69||status (success)||HTTP/1.1 200 OK||
     70||output (success)||{"id":"USER_ID","username":"USERNAME","last_name":"LAST_NAME","first_name":"FIRST_NAME","role_id":"ROLE_ID"}||
     71||status (failure)||HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error||
     72||output (failure)||none||
     74== Courses ==
     76=== Get a list of courses for current logged in user ===
     77GET /v1/courses
     80||status (success)||HTTP/1.1 200 OK||
     81||output (success)||[{"id":"COURSE0_ID","course":"COURSE0_CODE","title":"COURSE0_TITLE"},{"id":"COURSE1_ID","course":"COURSE1_CODE","title":"COURSE1_TITLE"}]||
     82||status (failure)||HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found||
     83||output (failure)||No courses can be found||
     85=== Get a course with id ===
     86GET /v1/courses/{id}
     89||status (success)||HTTP/1.1 200 OK||
     90||output (success)||{"id":"COURSE_ID","course":"COURSE_CODE","title":"COURSE_TITLE"}||
     91||status (failure)||HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found||
     92||status (failure)||No course with id COURSE_ID can be found||
     94=== Create a course ===
     95POST /v1/courses
     98||status (success)||HTTP/1.1 201 Created||
     99||output (success)||COURSE_ID||
     100||status (failure)||HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error||
     101||output (failure)||Error: the course was not added||
     103=== Remove a course with id ===
     104DELETE /v1/courses/{id}
     107||status (success)||HTTP/1.1 204 No Content||
     108||output (success)||COURSE_ID||
     109||status (failure)||HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error||
     110||output (failure)||Error: the course was not deleted||
     112=== Update a course with id ===
     113PUT /v1/courses/{id}
     116||status (success)||HTTP/1.1 200 OK||
     117||output (success)||COURSE_ID||
     118||status (failure)||HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error||
     119||output (failure)||Error: the course was not edited||
     121== !Courses/Users ==
     123=== Get a list of users associated within the course {course_id} ===
     124GET /v1/courses/{course_id}/users
     126||input|| none
     127||status (success)||HTTP/1.1 201 Created||
     128||output (success)||[{"id": "1", "username":"username1", "role_id":1}, {"id": "2", "username":"username2", "role_id":1},{"id": "3", "username":"username3", "role_id":2}]||
     129||status (failure)||HTTP/1.1 400 Unrecognizable Request||
     130||output (failure)|| none ||
     132=== Associate users to the course by {course_id} ===
     133POST /v1/courses{course_id}/users
     135||input||[{"username":"username1", "role_id":5}, {"username":"username2", "role_id":5},{"username":"username3", "role_id":4}], other fields in request will be ignored||
     136||status (success)||HTTP/1.1 200 OK||
     137||output (success)||[{"username":"username1", "role_id":5}, {"username":"username2", "role_id":5},{"username":"username3", "role_id":4}]||
     138||status (failure)||HTTP/1.1 501 Unsupported role for {username}||
     139||note (failure)|| The role_id was unrecognized, recognized role_ids right now are student (5), tutor (4), and instructor (3) ||
     140||status (failure)||HTTP/1.1 501 Fail to enrol {username}||
     141||note (failure)|| Tried to save the new enrolments but failed due to a database error. ||
     143=== Remove a user from the course ===
     144DELETE /v1/courses/{course_id}/users||
     146||input||[{"username":"username1", "role_id":5}, {"username":"username2", "role_id":5},{"username":"username3", "role_id":4}], other fields in request will be ignored||
     147||status (success)||HTTP/1.1 200 OK||
     148||output (success)||[{"username":"username1", "role_id":5}, {"username":"username2", "role_id":5},{"username":"username3", "role_id":4}]||
     149||status (failure)||HTTP/1.1 501 Unsupported role for {username}||
     150||note (failure)|| The role_id was unrecognized, recognized role_ids right now are student (5), tutor (4), and instructor (3) ||
     151||status (failure)||HTTP/1.1 501 Fail to drop {username}||
     152||note (failure)|| Tried to save the new enrolments but failed due to a database error. ||
     154== !Courses/Departments ==
     156=== Add a course to a department ===
     157POST /v1/courses/{course_id}/departments/{department_id}
     160||status (success)||HTTP/1.1 201 Created||
     161||output (success)||{"course_id":"COURSE_ID", "department_id":"DEPARTMENT_ID"}||
     162||status (failure)||HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error||
     163||output (failure)||none||
     165=== Delete a course from a department ===
     166DELETE /v1/courses/{course_id}departments/{department_id}
     169||status (success)||HTTP/1.1 204 No Content||
     170||output (success)||none||
     171||status (failure)||HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error||
     172||output (failure)||none||
     174== Departments ==
     176=== Get a list of departments the user has access to ===
     177GET v1/departments
     179||status (success)||HTTP/1.1 200 OK||
     180||output (success)||[{"id":"DEPT_ID0","name":"DEPT_NAME0"},{"id":"DEPT_ID1","name":"DEPT_NAME1"}]||
     181||status (failure)||HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found||
     182||output (failure)||none||
     184=== Get a list of courses that belongs to the department ===
     185GET v1/departments/{department_id}
     187||status (success)||HTTP/1.1 200 OK||
     188||output (success)||[{"id":"COURSE0_ID","course":"COURSE0_CODE","title":"COURSE0_TITLE"},{"id":"COURSE1_ID","course":"COURSE1_CODE","title":"COURSE1_TITLE"}]||
     189||status (failure)||HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found||
     190||output (failure)||none||
     192== Groups ==
     194=== Get a list of groups in course {course_id} ===
     195GET /v1/courses/{course_id}/groups
     198||status (success)||HTTP/1.1 200 OK||
     199||output (success)||[{"id":"GROUP_IDO","group_num":"GROUP_NUM0","group_name":"GROUP_NAME0","course_id":"COURSE_ID"},{"id":"GROUP_ID1","group_num":"GROUP_NUM1","group_name":"GROUP_NAME1","course_id":"COURSE_ID"}], or [] if there is no group||
     200||status (failure)||HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Error||
     201||output (failure)||none||
     203=== Get a group in course by group id, course_id will be ignored ===
     204GET /v1/courses/{course_id}/groups/id
     207||status (success)||HTTP/1.1 200 OK||
     208||output (success)||{"id":"GROUP_ID","group_num":"GROUP_NUM","group_name":"GROUP_NAME","course_id":"COURSE_ID"}||
     209||status (failure)||HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found||
     210||output (failure)||none||
     212=== Create a group in course {course_id} ===
     213POST /v1/courses/{course_id}/groups
     216||status (success)||HTTP/1.1 201 Created||
     217||output (success)||{"id":"GROUP_ID","group_num":"GROUP_NUM","group_name":"GROUP_NAME","course_id":"COURSE_ID"}||
     218||status (failure)||HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error||
     219||output (failure)||none||
     221=== Remove a group  in course by group id, course_id will be ignored ===
     222DELETE /v1/courses/{course_id}/groups/{id}
     225||status (success)||HTTP/1.1 204 No Content||
     226||output (success)||none||
     227||status (failure)||HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error||
     228||output (failure)||none||
     230=== Update a group in course by group id, course_id will be ignored ===
     231PUT /v1/courses/{course_id}/groups/{id}
     235||status (success)||HTTP/1.1 200 OK||
     236||output (success)||{"id":"GROUP_ID","group_num":"GROUP_NUM","group_name":"GROUP_NAME","course_id":"COURSE_ID"}||
     237||status (failure)||HTTP/1.1 200 OK||
     238||output (failure)||none||
     240== !Groups/Users ==
     242=== Get a list of users associated within the group {group_id} ===
     243GET /v1/groups/{group_id}/users
     245=== Associate users to the group by {group_id} ===
     246POST /v1/groups{group_id}/users
     248=== Remove a user from the group ===
     249DELETE /v1/groups/{group_id}/users/{user_id}
     252||status (success)||HTTP/1.1 204 No Content||
     253||output (success)||none||
     254||status (failure)||HTTP/1.1 500 users were not deleted||
     255||output (failure)|| none ||
     257== Grades ==
     259=== Get a list of grades in event {event_id} ===
     260GET /v1/events/{event_id}/grades
     262||status (success)||HTTP/1.1 200 OK||
     263||output (success)||[{"evaluatee":"EVALUATEE_ID","score":"SCORE"},{"evaluatee":"EVALUATEE_ID","score":"SCORE"}]||
     264||status (failure)||HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found||
     265||output (failure)||none||
     267=== Get a grades for a user with {user_id} in the event {event_id} ===
     268GET /v1/events/{event_id}/grades/{user_id}
     271||status (success)||HTTP/1.1 200 OK||
     272||output (success)||{"evaluatee":"USER_ID","score":"SCORE"}
     273||status (failure)||HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found||
     274||output (failure)||none||
    220276* Grades are read-only
    222 === Events ===
    224 ||GET||/v1/courses/{course_id}/events||get a list of events in course {course_id}||
    225 || ||parameter||COURSE_ID||
    226 || ||status (success)||HTTP/1.1 200 OK||
    227 || ||output (success)||[{"title":"TITLE0","course_id":"COURSE_ID","event_template_type_id":"TEMPLATE_ID","id":"EVENT_ID0"},{"title":"TITLE1","course_id":"COURSE_ID","event_template_type_id":"TEMPLATE_ID","id":"EVENT_ID1"}]
    228 || ||status (failure)||HTTP/1.1 Not Found||
    229 || ||output (failure)||none||
    230 ||GET||/v1/courses/{course_id}/events/{event_id}||get a event in course {course_id}||
    231 || ||parameter||COURSE_ID||
    232 || ||parameter||EVENT_ID||
    233 || ||status (success)||HTTP/1.1 200 OK||
    234 || ||output (success)||{"title":"TITLE","course_id":"COURSE_ID","event_template_type_id":"TEMPLATE_ID","id":"EVENT_ID"}||
    235 || ||status (failure)||HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found||
    236 || ||output (failure)||none||
    237 ||GET||/v1/courses/{course_id}/users/{username}/events||get events for a user in a course||
    238 || ||parameter||COURSE_ID||
    239 || ||parameter||USERNAME||
    240 || ||status (success)||HTTP/1.1 200 OK||
    241 || ||output (success)||[{"title":"TITLE0","course_id":"COURSE_ID","event_template_type_id":"TEMPLATE_ID","id":"EVENT_ID0"},{"title":"TITLE1","course_id":"COURSE_ID","event_template_type_id":"TEMPLATE_ID","id":"EVENT_ID1"}]||
    242 || ||status (failure)||HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found||
    243 || ||output (failure)||none||
    244 ||GET||/v1/users/{username}/events||get events for a user||
    245 || ||parameter||USERNAME||
    246 || ||status (success)||HTTP/1.1 200 OK||
    247 || ||output (success)||[{"title":"TITLE0","course_id":"COURSE_ID","event_template_type_id":"TEMPLATE_ID","id":"EVENT_ID0"},{"title":"TITLE1","course_id":"COURSE_ID","event_template_type_id":"TEMPLATE_ID","id":"EVENT_ID1"}]||
    248 || ||status (failure)||HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found||
    249 || ||output (failure)||none||
     278== Events ==
     280=== Get a list of events in course {course_id} ===
     281GET /v1/courses/{course_id}/events
     283||status (success)||HTTP/1.1 200 OK||
     284||output (success)||[{"title":"TITLE0","course_id":"COURSE_ID","event_template_type_id":"TEMPLATE_ID","id":"EVENT_ID0"},{"title":"TITLE1","course_id":"COURSE_ID","event_template_type_id":"TEMPLATE_ID","id":"EVENT_ID1"}]
     285||status (failure)||HTTP/1.1 Not Found||
     286||output (failure)||none||
     288=== Get a event in course {course_id} ===
     289GET /v1/courses/{course_id}/events/{event_id}
     292||status (success)||HTTP/1.1 200 OK||
     293||output (success)||{"title":"TITLE","course_id":"COURSE_ID","event_template_type_id":"TEMPLATE_ID","id":"EVENT_ID"}||
     294||status (failure)||HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found||
     295||output (failure)||none||
     297=== Get events for a user in a course ===
     298GET /v1/courses/{course_id}/users/{username}/events
     301||status (success)||HTTP/1.1 200 OK||
     302||output (success)||[{"title":"TITLE0","course_id":"COURSE_ID","event_template_type_id":"TEMPLATE_ID","id":"EVENT_ID0"},{"title":"TITLE1","course_id":"COURSE_ID","event_template_type_id":"TEMPLATE_ID","id":"EVENT_ID1"}]||
     303||status (failure)||HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found||
     304||output (failure)||none||
     306=== Get events for a user ===
     307GET /v1/users/{username}/events
     309||status (success)||HTTP/1.1 200 OK||
     310||output (success)||[{"title":"TITLE0","course_id":"COURSE_ID","event_template_type_id":"TEMPLATE_ID","id":"EVENT_ID0"},{"title":"TITLE1","course_id":"COURSE_ID","event_template_type_id":"TEMPLATE_ID","id":"EVENT_ID1"}]||
     311||status (failure)||HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found||
     312||output (failure)||none||
    251314* Events are read-only