
Version 10 (modified by Serge Okon, 15 years ago) ( diff )


iPeer User Documentation

(Created August 2010)

iPeer is an application to develop and deliver rubric-based peer evaluations, to review and release student comments, to build progress report forms online, and to analyze evaluation results. It has extensive features including user management system, student feedback control, data import/export, automatic installer, self-evaluation and etc… (from:

Technical Information

iPeer is a Web Application. This means that it runs on a server, and can be accessed with any web iPeer is written in a web programming language PHP ( and uses a framework called CakePHP. ( to structure its code. For more technical details, please see trac website at


The students interface is focused on completing evaluations. After students have been created, and assigned to courses, they can log into the system, and complete evaluation events.

Login for Students

Students can log in via 2 mechanisms:

  • via username and password, like every other user on the system.
  • via the CWL plug-in (for University of British Columbia (UBC)). Note that if this plug-in is enabled, the students can not login via iPeer's username and password, and must use their CWL login.
iPeer Login for Students

The students login with their username and password.

  • Username: enter your student number
  • Password: enter the password given to you by your instructor or TA. You can update it later.

Click the login button to complete the login process.

CWL Login for USB Students

Click on the CWL logo at the login screen, and you will be taken to the UBC CWL login page. Login just like for other UBC pages, and after the logon is complete, you'll be taken iPeer Home.

  • Please note that if you use your CWL login, changing your password in iPeer will have no effect on your CWL password.
Updating Email on First Logon

If this your first time logging into iPeer, you may be asked to update your email. Please enter you email to the right Email: label, and click the Save button on the bottom of the screen. The top of your page should not read:
Your Profile Has Been Updated Successfully. Go to your iPeer Home page. Click on the orange "Go to your iPeer Hope page" link to finish.

Home Page ===

When a students logs in, they are presented with the home page. This page contains 2 sections, both listing evaluation events:

Peer Evaluations Due

These are the evaluation that should be completed. For example

EventCourse|Due DateDue In/Late By (red)
Evaluation 1home COMP 101 101Sun, Sep 5, 2010 11:55 am30 day(s)
Peer Evaluations Submitted

These evaluations were already completed by you. Example:

EventCourseDue DateDate Submitted
Evaluation 1home COMP 101 101Sun, Sep 5, 2010 11:55 am30 day(s)
  • Peer Evaluations Due -
  • Peer Evaluations Submitted -



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