Changes between Version 22 and Version 23 of UserDoc

2010-08-06T21:12:14Z (15 years ago)
Serge Okon



  • UserDoc

    v22 v23  
    7373  * iPeer has an semi-automatic system for distributing points with amongst your team members. Slide each of the orange sliders in to evaluate your team members relative to one another. You are now assigning slider points
    7474 2. Click "Distribute" button to distribute points.
    75  * iPeer will calculate the percentage of "relative points" you assigned to each of your teammates, and will then calculate how many real points each is given.
    76  * For example, the evaluation has 200 Real Points to distribute amongst your 4 teammates. You assign them "relative score" of 8 for each. You then click distribute. The total number of "relative scores" will be 32. Since you gave each member 8 relative point, their will all get 4/32*100% = 25% of the total read score. When calculating "real score", each member will get 200 Points * 25% = 50 points / member.
    77  * The above situation would repeat itself if you assigned ''''each''' member a slider score, of 2, or 4, or 6, or anything else. Since the number of "relative points" you gave to each member mains equal, they will all be equal relative to one another. It is only the relative score for each member that counts.
     75  * iPeer will calculate the percentage of "relative points" you assigned to each of your teammates, and will then calculate how many real points each is given.
     76  * For example, the evaluation has 200 Real Points to distribute amongst your 4 teammates. You assign them "relative score" of 8 for each. You then click distribute. The total number of "relative scores" will be 32. Since you gave each member 8 relative point, their will all get 4/32*100% = 25% of the total read score. When calculating "real score", each member will get 200 Points * 25% = 50 points / member.
     77  * The above situation would repeat itself if you assigned '''each''' member a slider score, of 2, or 4, or 6, or anything else. Since the number of "relative points" you gave to each member mains equal, they will all be equal relative to one another. It is only the relative score for each member that counts, and will determine the real points at the end.
    7878 3. Allocate any remaining points.
    79  * This step only occurs in cases where the "Disctribute" button could not allocate all the points exactly according to your relative scores.
    80  * For example, if you relative-scored all your 3 teammates equally, and the number of total points is 100, the real points cannot be equally divided! Each member would get 33 points, and 33+33+33 = 99, with one real point left to distribute. To distribute this point, you would give one of your teammembers a score of 34. That way, the total real score would be 34+33+33 = 100, and all points are distributed.
     79  * This step only occurs in cases where the "Distribute" button could not allocate all the points exactly according to your relative scores.
     80  * For example, if you relative-scored all your 3 teammates equally, and the number of total points is 100, the real points cannot be equally divided! Each member would get 33 points, and 33+33+33 = 99, with one real point left to distribute. To distribute this point, you would give one of your team members a score of 34. That way, the total real score would be 34+33+33 = 100, and all points are distributed.
    8181 4. Enter Comments
    82  * You may always enter a comment. Some instructors will require you to enter comments, and other will not. Whatever the case might be, please remember that explaining the reasons for your evaluation of member is always a good idea!
     82  * You may always enter a comment. Some instructors will ''require'' you to enter comments, and ''others will not''. Whatever the case might be, please remember that explaining the reasons for your evaluation of your team-mates is always a good idea!
    8383 5. NOTE: "Submit Evaluation" button will only be enabled when all points, and comments (if required), are filled!