[[PageOutline]] == About this page == This page will help us migrate iPeer users' databases from version 2.0 to 2.1. Make an entry to this database for each change you make to the iPeer database. For each entry into this wiki page, please state: * Date of the development iPeer Database change. * Reason for change, and it's impact. * Who performed the change. * The *exact and complete* SQL statement that will perform the change. == Version 2.1 to 2.2 Updates== === July 23, 2010 === - compass {{{ #!sql ALTER TABLE `personalizes` ADD INDEX ( `user_id` , `attribute_code` ) ; }}} === August 18, 2010 === To speed up the AjaxList for Users (~300x speed-up with 3000 users database). - Serge. {{{ #!sql CREATE INDEX user_id_index on user_enrols(user_id) }}} === September (?) === To allow unlimited comments in evaluation_mixevals. - compass & serge {{{ #!sql ALTER TABLE `evaluation_mixeval_details` MODIFY COLUMN `question_comment` TEXT DEFAULT NULL; }}} [[BR]] [[BR]] == Version 2.0 to 2.1 Updates == === June 16, 2010 === This change was made for student's survey evaluation submissions. Since students submitting surveys are not tied to groups, their group values will be should NULL. Before, the default value for grp_event_id was zero, and, because of the relationship grp_event_id and submitter_id (onl one pair is allowed), the effect was that a single student could only submit one Survey, ever. This change remedies the situation, and no code needs to be changed to accommodate it. - Serge & Pan {{{ #!sql ALTER TABLE `evaluation_submissions` MODIFY COLUMN `grp_event_id` INTEGER DEFAULT NULL; }}} === July 9, 2010 === This change is made for student's rubrics evaluation submissions. Since students submitted rubric evaluations are not tied to the rubric, deleting a rubric does not fully remove students' evaluation data of that rubric. With the added 'rubric_id' field, the linkage is now complete and references would not be lost in the relationship specified between evaluation_rubrics and rubric tables. - Henry {{{ #!sql ALTER TABLE `evaluation_rubrics` ADD COLUMN `rubric_id` INTEGER DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL; }}} === July 16, 2010 === Sets up the new System function code, to match the users controller. - Serge {{{ #!sql update sys_functions set function_code='USERS' where function_code='USR'; }}} === July 22, 2010 === Add index for user_enrols table to improve the query time {{{ #!sql ALTER TABLE `user_enrols` ADD INDEX ( `user_id` ); }}} [[BR]] [[BR]]