== iPeer Security == === Overview === The stats for the logged in user are kept inside the rdAuth object. This object is stored into the session on login with `rdAuth->setFromData()`, and loaded on by the parent class AppController with `$this->rdAuth->loadFromSession()` in `checkAccess()`. === app_controller->checkAccess() === The method will check the requested controller name against the database (specifically, the contents of `sysContainer->getActionList())`), and if any entry with this controller is found, it keep processing the page. Otherwise, it redirects the client to `loginlout/login`. Specifically which method will the client requests to be invoked, is, apparently, no concidered. {{{ //check permission if (!$this->rdAuth->check($this->params['controller'], $this->sysContainer->getActionList())) { $this->Session->write('URL', $URL); $this->Session->write('AccessErr', 'NO_PERMISSION'); $redirect = 'loginout/login'; $this->redirect($redirect); exit; } }}} === Users_controller === Each potentialy sensitive method in users_controller checks the user role agains 'S' (or Student). If a Student should not be able to access this function, they are re-directed away from the page. If any other user type is logged on, the requested action will proceed. {{{ if ($this->rdAuth->role == 'S') { $this->redirect('home/index'); exit(); } }}}