
Version 7 (modified by michael, 12 years ago) ( diff )


So, you want to do some contribution for iPeer project. Just follow the following steps to make your own local development environment.

For External Developers and Contributers

  1. Get a GitHub Account from
  2. Install Git on your local computer.
  3. Fork the iPeer project ( into your account and clone the code from your forked repo:
  4. Additional steps to set up
    • Pull the Guard plugin.
      cd ipeer
      git submodule init
      git submodule update
  5. Setup coding standard
  6. Starting developing~
  7. Once you finished, you can issue a pull request so that we can merge your changes to the iPeer repo.

For Internal Developers and Contributers

  1. Follow steps 1 and 2 for External Developers and Contribuers above
  2. Follow the steps in to generate a ssh key for your github account
  3. Clone the code
    git clone
  4. Additional steps to set up. Pull the Guard plugin.
    cd ipeer
    git checkout cakephp1.3
    git submodule init
    git submodule update
  5. (XAMPP) go to xampp/htdocs/app/plugins/guard/config, open guard.php. You will have to do something similar if you are using any other web server.
  • Make the following changes
    //$config['Guard.AuthModule.Name'] = 'Shibboleth';    // Using Shibboleth module
    $config['Guard.AuthModule.Name'] = 'Default';     // Using default (build-in) module
  • Copy guard.php to xampp/htdocs/app/config

See, that's not very hard.


For version 2.x

To turn on debug mode, change the line in file app/config/core.php from:

define('DEBUG', 0);


define('DEBUG', 2);

For version 3.x

To turn on debug mode, change the line in file app/config/core.php from:

Configure::write('debug', 0);


Configure::write('debug', 2);
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