Changes between Version 8 and Version 9 of SetupDev

2012-11-19T00:10:59Z (11 years ago)
Pan Luo



  • SetupDev

    v8 v9  
    7676phing test
     79== Branching Strategy ==
     80Branches in public repo and the purpose of each branch:
     81 * 2.x: iPeer 2.x code base. Each commit on this branch will be a new version to release.
     82 * dev: The branch we are working on day to day
     83 * master: iPeer 3.x code base. Each commit on this branch will be a new version to release.
     84You can/should  create local branch if you are working on a new feature or non-trivia bug fix. Then merge back to dev. You may use rebase or not depending on the complexity of the work.
     86There are also some changes on Jenkins setup.  There are 5 jobs: iPeer_2.x, iPeer_3.x, iPeer_dev, iPeer_Release_2.x and iPeer_Release_3.x.
     87 * Any push to 2.x branch will trigger iPeer_2.x job. If the job success, iPeer_Release_2.x will be triggered and will publish a new version for 2.x.
     88 * Any push to master branch will trigger iPeer_3.x job. If the job success, iPeer_Release_3.x will be triggered and will publish a new version for 3.x
     89 * Any push to dev branch will trigger dev job. No release will be published.
     91Old and new branches mapping (branches renamed as of Nov 18th, 2012)
     92 * master -> 2.x
     93 * cakephp1.3 -> dev
     94 * cakephp1.3 -> master
     95removed compatibility branch