
Version 8 (modified by Serge Okon, 14 years ago) ( diff )


iPeer v2 Technical Documentation

Based on file: iPeer-v2-Technical-Documentation.doc

rdAuth Components:

rdAuth components monitors the current user’s information such as id, role, username, fullname. To get the current user’s attribute, we can call: From View: $rdAuth->id From Controller: $this->rdAuth->id

Sys_Parameter Settings:

System Parameters are loaded once the users has login successfully. There are 2 core parameters that control the iPeer integration with UBC CWL:

For General version:

Parameter CodeParameter Value
custom.login_page_pathnameLeave it as empty

For UBC CWL customization:

Parameter CodeParameter Value

To check whether the iPeer is UBC CWL integrated or not:

if (isset($this->rdAuth->customIntegrateCWL) && $this->rdAuth->customIntegrateCWL) {
// ipeer is integrated with CWL

Get Sys_Parameter from iPeer:

e.g. Get the parameter code ‘system.upload_dir’:

		$uploadDir = $this->sysContainer->getParamByParamCode('system.upload_dir');
		$uploadFile = APP.$uploadDir['parameter_value'] . $filename;

Some useful functions:

1.Get all accessible courses:

$courseList = $this->sysContainer->getMyCourseList(); 

2.Get no. of members within a group:

$numMembers=$event['Event']['self_eval'] ? 
    $this->GroupsMembers->findCount('group_id='.$groupId) : 
    $this->GroupsMembers->findCount('group_id='.$groupId) - 1; 

Caution: To upgrade CakePHP library for iPeer, please also look into the following files to change for iPeer customization:

  1. replace all thtml -> tpl.php, since iPeer use php extension instead of thtml
  2. change the controller.php in \cake\libs\controller
  3. change html.php helper in \cake\libs\view\helpers
  4. change dbo_source.php in \cake\libs\model\datasources

UBC CWL Integration:

Instead of the Sys_Parameter setting from database, there are two files for CWL integration: ipeer_v2\app\controller\loginout_controller.php ipeer_v2\app\views\loginout\custom_ubc_cwl_login.tpl.php

Note: Remove all the following code when release the iPeer v2 to SourceForge.

From loginout_controller:

	function loginByCWL() {
		$this->autoRender = false;
		 * the URL of the CWL login page
		$CWLLoginURL = '';

		// CWL XML-RPC interface URLs: (for verification)
		$CWLRPCURL = "";
		$CWLRPCPath = "/auth/rpc";

		 * the name of the function being called through XML-RPC. this is
		 * prepended with 'session.' later
		//$CWLFunctionName = 'getLoginName';
		$CWLFunctionName = 'getIdentities';

		 * the application's ID/name and password as given by the CWL team
		$applicationID = 'cis_ipeer_vsa';
		$applicationPassword = 'p33rl355';

		$ticket = $_GET['ticket'];
		if ($ticket != null) {
			// now get some info about the session

			// the parameters passed to the RPC interface.  the ticket is the
			// first argument for all functions
			$params = array( new XML_RPC_Value($ticket, 'string') );

			// note that the function name is prepended with the string 'session.'
			$msg = new XML_RPC_Message("session.$CWLFunctionName", $params);

			$cli = new XML_RPC_Client($CWLRPCPath, $CWLRPCURL);
			$cli->setCredentials($applicationID, $applicationPassword);
			//print_r ($cli);

			$resp = $cli->send($msg);
			if (!$resp)
				echo 'Communication error: ' . $cli->errstr;

			// print the raw response data

			//echo "<b>Raw Response:</b><br /><pre>";
			//echo "</pre>";

			if (!$resp->faultCode())
				// an encoded response value
				$val = $resp->value();

				// the actual data we requested
				$data = XML_RPC_decode($val);

				//echo "<b>Response Data:</b><br /><pre>";
				//echo "</pre>";
				if (!empty($data['student_number'])) {
				  $studentNumber = $data['student_number'];

  				//Check is this CWL login student able to use iPeer
  				$this->params['data'] = $this->User->findUserByStudentNo(trim($studentNumber));

  				if ($this->params['data']['User']['id'])
  					//sets up the session vars

  					//sets up the system container for accessible functions
  					$accessFunction = $this->SysFunction->getAllAccessibleFunction($this->params['data']['User']['role']);
  					$accessController = $this->SysFunction->getTopAccessibleFunction($this->params['data']['User']['role']);

    				//setup my accessible courses
    				$myCourses = $this->Course->findAccessibleCoursesList($this->params['data']['User']);

  					//clear up the data parameters
  					$this->params['data'] = array();
  					$redirect = '/home/index/';
  					$this->Session->write('CWLErr', 'NO_PERMISSION');
  					$redirect = 'loginout/login';
				} else {
					$this->Session->write('CWLErr', 'INVALID_USER');
					$redirect = 'loginout/login';

				// error
				echo '<b>Fault Code:</b> ' . $resp->faultCode() . "<br />\n";
				echo '<b>Fault Reason:</b> ' . $resp->faultString() . "<br />\n";



Delete the view page custom_ubc_cwl_login.tpl.php:

document.write('<td width="62">For Students:</td>');
document.write('<td width="140"><A HREF="<?php echo $this->webroot.$this->themeWeb;?>loginout/loginByCWL">');
document.write('<IMG SRC="" WIDTH="76" HEIGHT="25" ALT="CWL Login" BORDER="0">');  
//document.write('<IMG SRC=" " WIDTH="76" HEIGHT="25" ALT="CWL Login" BORDER="0">');
Note: See TracWiki for help on using the wiki.