[[PageOutline]] == Database == === Find student who saved the evaluation but not submit yet === {{{ #!sql SET @EVENTID=EVENT_ID; SELECT * FROM users WHERE id IN (SELECT distinct(evaluator) FROM evaluation_mixevals WHERE event_id = @EVENTID AND evaluator NOT IN (SELECT distinct(submitter_id) FROM evaluation_submissions WHERE event_id = @EVENTID) ); }}} Replace EVENT_ID to event id. === Submit for those students === {{{ #!sql SET @EVENTID=EVENT_ID, @COURSEID=COURSE_ID; INSERT INTO evaluation_submissions SELECT NULL,@EVENTID, group_events.id, user_id,1,NOW(),'A',1,NOW(),NULL,NOW() FROM groups LEFT JOIN groups_members ON groups.id = groups_members.group_id LEFT JOIN group_events ON group_events.group_id = groups.id WHERE course_id = @COURSEID AND event_id = @EVENTID AND user_id IN (SELECT distinct(evaluator) FROM evaluation_mixevals WHERE event_id = @EVENTID AND evaluator NOT IN (SELECT distinct(submitter_id) FROM evaluation_submissions WHERE event_id = @EVENTID) ); }}} Replace EVENT_ID to event id and COURSE_ID to course id. === Merge Students with Duplicated Accounts (the accounts starts with "s" and without) === {{{ #!sql DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS merge_students; delimiter // CREATE PROCEDURE merge_students() BEGIN DECLARE old, new INT; DECLARE done INT DEFAULT FALSE; DECLARE cur CURSOR FOR (SELECT u1.id, u2.id FROM users as u1 JOIN users as u2 ON u2.username = CONCAT("s", u1.username) WHERE u1.username REGEXP '[0-9]{8}'); DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR NOT FOUND SET done = TRUE; OPEN cur; read_loop: LOOP FETCH cur INTO old, new; IF done THEN LEAVE read_loop; END IF; SELECT CONCAT("Merging user ", new, " into ", old) as ""; update groups_members set user_id = old where user_id = new; update user_enrols set user_id = old where user_id = new; update survey_inputs set user_id = old where user_id = new; update evaluation_submissions set submitter_id = old where submitter_id = new; update evaluation_simples set evaluator = old where evaluator = new; update evaluation_simples set evaluatee = old where evaluatee = new; update evaluation_rubrics set evaluator = old where evaluator = new; update evaluation_rubrics set evaluatee = old where evaluatee = new; update evaluation_mixevals set evaluator = old where evaluator = new; update evaluation_mixevals set evaluatee = old where evaluatee = new; delete from users where id = new; END LOOP; CLOSE cur; END// delimiter ; CALL merge_students(); }}} === Find Duplicate Students === {{{ #!sql select id, username, student_no from users where student_no in (select student_no from (select student_no, count(*) c from users group by student_no having c > 1) as a) order by student_no, username; }}} === Merge Students old accounts into new ones === The old student accounts using student number as username and the new ones uses PUID. {{{ #!sql DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS merge_accounts; DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS merge_by_student_no; delimiter // CREATE PROCEDURE merge_accounts() BEGIN DECLARE old, new, count INT; DECLARE sn VARCHAR(20); DECLARE done INT DEFAULT FALSE; DECLARE cur CURSOR FOR SELECT student_no, count(*) c FROM users group by student_no having c = 2; DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR NOT FOUND SET done = TRUE; OPEN cur; read_loop: LOOP FETCH cur INTO sn, count; IF done THEN LEAVE read_loop; END IF; CALL merge_by_student_no(sn); END LOOP; CLOSE cur; END// CREATE PROCEDURE merge_by_student_no(IN sn VARCHAR(20)) BEGIN DECLARE target_id, source_id, temp_id INT; DECLARE username_v1,username_v2 VARCHAR(20); DECLARE done INT DEFAULT FALSE; DECLARE cur CURSOR FOR (SELECT a.id, b.id, a.username, b.username FROM (SELECT id, username FROM users WHERE student_no = sn AND username != student_no AND LENGTH(username) = 12) as a, (SELECT id, username FROM users WHERE student_no = sn AND username = student_no AND LENGTH(username) != 12) as b); DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR NOT FOUND SET done = TRUE; OPEN cur; read_loop: LOOP FETCH cur INTO target_id, source_id, username_v1, username_v2; IF done THEN LEAVE read_loop; END IF; SELECT CONCAT("Merging user ", source_id, "(", username_v2,") into ", target_id, "(",username_v1,")") as ""; UPDATE IGNORE groups_members set user_id = target_id where user_id = source_id; UPDATE IGNORE user_enrols set user_id = target_id where user_id = source_id; UPDATE IGNORE survey_group_members set user_id = target_id where user_id = source_id; UPDATE survey_inputs set user_id = target_id where user_id = source_id; UPDATE evaluation_submissions set submitter_id = target_id where submitter_id = source_id; UPDATE evaluation_simples set evaluator = target_id where evaluator = source_id; UPDATE evaluation_simples set evaluatee = target_id where evaluatee = source_id; UPDATE evaluation_simples set creator_id = target_id where creator_id = source_id; UPDATE evaluation_simples set updater_id = target_id where updater_id = source_id; UPDATE evaluation_rubrics set evaluator = target_id where evaluator = source_id; UPDATE evaluation_rubrics set evaluatee = target_id where evaluatee = source_id; UPDATE evaluation_rubrics set creator_id = target_id where creator_id = source_id; UPDATE evaluation_rubrics set updater_id = target_id where updater_id = source_id; UPDATE evaluation_rubric_details set creator_id = target_id where creator_id = source_id; UPDATE evaluation_rubric_details set updater_id = target_id where updater_id = source_id; UPDATE evaluation_mixevals set evaluator = target_id where evaluator = source_id; UPDATE evaluation_mixevals set evaluatee = target_id where evaluatee = source_id; UPDATE evaluation_mixevals set creator_id = target_id where creator_id = source_id; UPDATE evaluation_mixevals set updater_id = target_id where updater_id = source_id; UPDATE evaluation_mixeval_details set creator_id = target_id where creator_id = source_id; UPDATE evaluation_mixeval_details set updater_id = target_id where updater_id = source_id; DELETE from users where id = source_id LIMIT 1; END LOOP; CLOSE cur; END// delimiter ; }}} === Merge Accounts by Id === {{{ #!sql DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS merge_by_id; delimiter // CREATE PROCEDURE merge_by_id(IN target_id INT, IN source_id INT) BEGIN DECLARE temp_id INT; SELECT CONCAT("Merging user ", source_id, " into ", target_id) as ""; UPDATE IGNORE groups_members set user_id = target_id where user_id = source_id; UPDATE IGNORE user_enrols set user_id = target_id where user_id = source_id; UPDATE IGNORE survey_group_members set user_id = target_id where user_id = source_id; UPDATE survey_inputs set user_id = target_id where user_id = source_id; UPDATE evaluation_submissions set submitter_id = target_id where submitter_id = source_id; UPDATE evaluation_simples set evaluator = target_id where evaluator = source_id; UPDATE evaluation_simples set evaluatee = target_id where evaluatee = source_id; UPDATE evaluation_simples set creator_id = target_id where creator_id = source_id; UPDATE evaluation_simples set updater_id = target_id where updater_id = source_id; UPDATE evaluation_rubrics set evaluator = target_id where evaluator = source_id; UPDATE evaluation_rubrics set evaluatee = target_id where evaluatee = source_id; UPDATE evaluation_rubrics set creator_id = target_id where creator_id = source_id; UPDATE evaluation_rubrics set updater_id = target_id where updater_id = source_id; UPDATE evaluation_rubric_details set creator_id = target_id where creator_id = source_id; UPDATE evaluation_rubric_details set updater_id = target_id where updater_id = source_id; UPDATE evaluation_mixevals set evaluator = target_id where evaluator = source_id; UPDATE evaluation_mixevals set evaluatee = target_id where evaluatee = source_id; UPDATE evaluation_mixevals set creator_id = target_id where creator_id = source_id; UPDATE evaluation_mixevals set updater_id = target_id where updater_id = source_id; UPDATE evaluation_mixeval_details set creator_id = target_id where creator_id = source_id; UPDATE evaluation_mixeval_details set updater_id = target_id where updater_id = source_id; DELETE from users where id = source_id LIMIT 1; END// delimiter ; }}} === Remove the Leading "s" in Username === {{{ #!sql UPDATE users SET username = SUBSTRING(username, 2) WHERE username REGEXP 's[0-9]{8}'; }}} === Export Groups === {{{ #!sql SELECT group_name, username FROM `groups` as g JOIN groups_members as m on g.id = m.group_id JOIN users as u on u.id = m.user_id WHERE `course_id` = COURSE_ID }}} == Statistics == New course {{{ #!sql select * from courses where created between "2011-09-01 0:0:0" and "2011-12-31 23:59:59"; }}} New evaluation {{{ #!sql select * from events where created between "2011-09-01 0:0:0" and "2011-12-31 23:59:59"; }}} New instructor {{{ #!sql select * from users where role LIKE "I" AND created between "2011-09-01 0:0:0" and "2011-12-31 23:59:59"; }}} New student {{{ #!sql select * from users where role LIKE "S" AND created between "2011-09-01 0:0:0" and "2011-12-31 23:59:59"; }}} Total student {{{ #!sql select * from users where role LIKE "S"; }}}